October 7th 2021

by - October 07, 2021

Home with a snotty baby and a coughing, stuffy husband.

My Notebook Therapy bullet journal is on its way, so I’m anxious for that to arrive even though I know it will take a while.
I wanted to do an October spread and decorate for Halloween because obviously that is the most fun. It’s been a while since I’ve made a proper spread or done much with my bujo that I have now, and I really want to get back into it.
Took the cat to the vet today. He wouldn’t let them take blood (again) so we’re just supposed to physically monitor him and report any changes we notice while he’s on his thyroid medicine.
I also was able to book an MOT via AA who will collect and drop off the car which is way, way easier for us.
Saturday is library work day, then my office party in town. It’s supposed to rain that day too, so that will put a damper on things. No pun intended.
I’m supposed to be working on my virtual business classes too but, ugh, so much to do and I’m tired just from mummying. I want to use my brains and my semi-down time but it’s super tough these days.

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