October 1st 2021

by - October 01, 2021

 I’ve said this before: I used to have a pink blog on Blogger years ago when I was first getting ready to teach high school. I remember setting it up in a hotel in Alabama because my parents and I had evacuated because of a hurricane and we had to go somewhere. We’d never been to Alabama, or that far West in Georgia, so it was a special trip that I remember because we had an impromptu vacation. We went to Best Buy to get an Ethernet cable to connect the Dell laptop to the hotel room port. This was the $3k laptop that smelled of new plastic and technology. (How I loved that thing.) it was a gift for graduating with my B.A. in English Literature at UCF. I really thought I was accomplished and was going to start off doing so well. Maybe I did, but I ended up not being a good high school teacher.

But no matter, the point is that I have longed for that pink blog again. The newness end the empty space to write all of my adventures down. That’s what I hope to do here with this one now. 

The first of October seems as good of a time as any to start something new.

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