October 2nd 2021
Jack’s asleep on me as I type this. We went to the pick your own pumpkin patch today which was fun even though it rained. Jack was so happy and kept saying. “Wow! Apples!” He was fascinated with the little carnival ride they had there too but I think it cost cash money so we didn’t go on it. (I never have cash anymore.)
I didn’t write or do homework or anything today. I was so tired because last night I was up at around 3:45 because I’d had too much coffee in the afternoon. Usually I only have two cups in the morning.
I’ve been playing with the templates on this blog and nothing is making me feel settled. I wish I could see that old blog again and know exactly how I had it set up.
For some reason I vaguely remember having a blog with a black background and pink hearts on the wallpaper. Then I had photos of my black nail polish. Very classy.
My bullet journal didn’t get ordered and I’m sort of annoyed about that. Notebook Therapy has a lot of stuff that won’t ship here.